In this deeply troubled time, a terrible act of injustice has ignited a conflagration of violence across our beloved country. As such, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches is calling upon the faithful people of our communities – who have known the brutality of persecution and mass violence throughout our common history – to pause their day tomorrow at noon to pray with one spirit and one accord.
The Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches condemns all actions and words that promote hatred and racism. Racism is a sinful behavior, representing separation from God, and is antithetical to Christianity.
“And He has made all nations of men of one blood to dwell on all the face of the earth, ordaining fore-appointed seasons and boundaries of their dwelling” (Acts 17:26).
Likewise, the Standing Conference condemns violence and acts of vengeance, no matter how great the provocation or outrage.
“Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all … so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all” (Romans 12:17-18).
Therefore, we stand in solidarity with all those engaged in demanding through peaceful means that the dignity of man, made in the image and likeness of God, be respected. We declare that the unjust and unjustifiable murder of Mr. George Floyd, as well as those who have fallen to racial violence before him, is deplorable, anti-Christian, and immoral. We believe that his memory and their memories, however, are best honored through peaceful means
The Coptic Archdiocese of North America and the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England have issued a joint statement on this issue, as has the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church. These statements are viewable on their respective webpages and social media outlets.
Bishop Daniel Findikyan – Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church – will lead the faithful in a Moment of Silence and Prayer for Peace during a live online broadcast on Wednesday, June 3, at 12 noon EDT. Links to watch and participate on Facebook and YouTube are included in this post.
The Moment of Silence and Prayer for Peace will go forward in solidarity with an appeal from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the U.S.A., inviting all churches and people to participate in a moment of silence for all victims of racial violence, followed by a prayer for peace and reconciliation in our country.
Pray with us live on YouTube:
Pray with us live on Facebook:
Text of the Prayer for Peace: