“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” (St. Matthew 5:9)
The Standing Conference of the Oriental Orthodox Churches stands in solidarity with the men, women and children in the Ukraine who are suffering needlessly as a result of the invasion of their land. The homelands of many of our Oriental Orthodox Churches have faced similar tragedies throughout the centuries, however, the attacks have always been from enemies of the faith. What is especially troubling about the current circumstance is that we are witnessing two nations which historically share the same Orthodox Christian faith as their majority religion, at war with one another.
In the spirit of this most solemn season of Great Lent, we encourage all to pray and fast for the innocent suffering and to donate generously via the various organizations equipped to provide humanitarian aid to those most in need. The conflict in Ukraine has created an enormous refugee crisis, and it behooves us, most especially during the Lenten season when alms and works of charity are prescribed for all as spiritual medicine, to reach out to those in need.
We join with the many governments and with peoples of all faiths in calling for an immediate cessation of the hostilities and the immense human suffering, and for a re-commitment on the part of the world community to the preservation of freedom and democracy in every place.
“…end the war now! Immediately stop any act of violence, anything that spreads pain and death. Let reason prevail, love for fellow human beings, reconciliation and solidarity, the light of the Risen Christ, the gift of life.” (February 27, 2022) – His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
The Hierarchs of the Oriental Orthodox Churches in the USA